
Cube A has an edge length of x inches. Cube B has an edge length of 2x inches. How many times greater is the volume of Cube B than the volume of Cube A?

Accepted Solution

Answer:8 times.Step-by-step explanation:We know that,Volume of a cube = side³,Thus, the volume of the cube having side x = [tex](x)^3[/tex] = [tex]x^3[/tex],Also, the volume of the cube having side 2x = [tex](2x)^3[/tex] = [tex]8x^3[/tex],[tex]\because \frac{\text{Volume of cube B}}{\text{Volume of cube A}}=\frac{8x^3}{x^3}[/tex][tex]=8[/tex][tex]\implies \text{Volume of cube B}=8\times \text{Volume of cube A}[/tex]Hence, the volume of cube B is 8 times of the volume of cube A.